... aukštą filtravimo našumą ir skirtingus tinklo dydžius, HNP Mikrosysteme siūlo tinkamus filtrų sprendimus visoms savo siurblių serijoms.
Filtrų serija F-MI2 yra prieinama trijose skirtingose konfigūracijose. „Įleidimo filtras“, be išorinio korpuso, yra tiesiogiai panardintas į skystį. „Inline filtrai“ yra skirti montuoti žemiau maitinimo linijoje, t.y. tiesiai prieš siurblį. Lengvai prižiūrimas „T...
Our assortment contains a range of pressure controllers for regulating the water pressure required for your application. In addition you will find filters for water treatments here. Water treatment is generally considered the targeted change of water quality. Here it is differentiated as to whether substances are removed from the water or added to the water. Water treatment represents an important process step in the production of drinking water for human use. Furthermore we have proportional control valves especially for use with water. There are various accessories and spare parts available for the mentioned products.
Ogni goccia di Essenza Concentrata Violetta è studiata per profumare tutto il bucato.
Simbolo della primavera è l’essenza madre della bella stagione.
La sua fragranza, sprigiona sui capi un profumo appassionante ed intenso, la sua nota fiorita predomina e persiste a lungo.
Un liquido da aggiungere all’ammorbidente nel bucato a mano, in lavatrice durante l’ultimo risciacquo.
Profuma Bucato Violetta è priva di parabeni e nichel free.
Gamme complète de filtres pour tous les matériels et machines utilisés dans les secteurs industriels.
Machines-outils, bandes filtrantes
Huiles de coupe et émulsions
Injection plastique
Aspirateurs et Balayeuses
Compact filters for diverse applications
Filters are used in fluidic systems to protect sensitive components from damage due to contamination and particles. For the safe operation of micro annular gear pumps and their precision-machined rotors, the use of a 10 µm meshed filter is recommended. With compact filter units made out of corrosion-resistant materials, with high filtration performance and different mesh sizes, HNP Mikrosysteme offers suitable filter solutions for all of its pump series.
The filter series F-MI3 is available in three different configurations. The »inlet filter«, without an external housing, is directly immersed in the liquid. The »inline filters« are designed to be installed downstream in the feed line, i.e. directly before the pump. The maintenance-friendly »T-design« offers the advantage of changing the filter element without having to uninstall the filter from the feed line, and the option to open the bottom for releasing medium or emptying the filter....
Type:Inlet filter Inline filter (straight, T-shape)
Liquid temperature range:-200 ... +250 °C Inline filter: -10 ... +140 °C (-40 ... +275 °C *)
Differential pressure range:- Inline filter: max. 10 bar
Operating pressure:- Inline filter: max. 200 bar
Seal materials:- Inline filter: FPM, FFPM, EPDM
Materials:stainless steel
Internal volume:- Straight shape: 65 ml T-shape: 92 ml
Measurements (ø x H):Ø 35 x 84 mm Straight shape: Ø 48 x 105 mm T-shape: Ø 70 x 114 mm
Fluid connection:conical internal thread 3/8" NPT
Filter fineness:3 µm, 25 µm, 40 µm, 100 µm
Filter area:160 cm²
Remarks:* depending on seal material
Viledon Luftfilter bieten Filtrationslösungen für die Raumluft- und Reinraumtechnik, Entstaubungs- und Lackiertechnik, für die Nahrungsmittelindustrie und für Gasturbinen/Kompressoren
Freudenberg Filtration Technologies wird mit Filtrationslösungen dort aktiv, wo saubere Luft und klares Wasser dringend gebraucht werden. Unsere Mission ist saubere Luft und sauberes Wasser – wo immer es Menschen nützt, wo immer industrielle Prozesse effizienter und nachhaltiger gestaltet werden können.
La gamme d’engrais AMICOT, presentée sous plusieurs formulations, ont des métabolites de microorganismes bénéficiaux, qui sont biomolécules et compost provenant de l’activité métabolique des microorganismes du sol, bénéficiaux pour les plantes. Ils sont compost d’haute valeur biologique dont les plus importantes sont les acides organiques, enzymes, acides aminés, protéines, phytohormones, micronutriments complexes et polysaccarides activeurs de l’action microbienne.
Parmi les principales avantages pour les plantes, on trouve un plus haut dévéloppement radiculaire et végétatif de la culture, le profitement massif des nutriments du sol et des engrais et una plus haute résistance face au stress hydrique.
Mezcla de aditivos, condimentos y especias, de uso charcutero, para la elaboración del producto cárnico tratado por el calor denominado “Morcilla”. Formato: bolsa 5kg
Druckluftfilter (Druckluft-Filtrationen) ermöglich es, den Restölgehalt auf bis zu 0,005mg/m³ Druckluft zu senken.
Die Partikelgröße kann bis auf 0,01 micron (µm) Filtrationsgrad herabgesetzt werden. Somit werden optimale Produktionsprozesse gewährleistet.
Eine hohe Druckluftqualität ist bei Produktionsprozessen in jedem Bereich von entscheidender Bedeutung.
Filtration für Lebensmittelindustrie und pharmazeutische Industrie
Um den Richtlinien z. B. in der Lebensmittelindustrie oder pharmazeutischen Industrie gerecht zu werden, ist hochwertige Luft unbedingt erforderlich. Auch für empfindliche Geräte oder Maschinen der High-Tech Industrie sowie für einfache Messmaschinen sind die Anforderung an die Druckluftqualität heute enorm hoch und individuell verschieden.
Filtre 3L/min pour la filtration des huiles diélectriques d'origine végétale dans les eaux pluviales.
Filtration des eaux de drainage polluées aux esters d'origine végétale
Débit : 3 litres/min
Ecoulement gravitaire
Conçu et fabriqué en France.
3 fonctions : évacuation en continu des eaux de pluie, captation des hydrocarbures et obturation instantanée en cas de fuite brutale.
FILTRELEC® M2 GREEN assure une filtration des eaux de drainage, afin de permettre leur évacuation en continu, tout en piégeant les huiles végétales nocives, évitant ainsi la pollution des sols. Il garantit une concentration résiduelle en huile dans les eaux pluviales en sortie de filtre inférieure à 5 mg par litre.
FILTRELEC® est une alternative technico-économique aux décanteurs et séparateurs traditionnels, conforme aux exigences de la Loi sur l’Eau, de la NFC 13-200, du règlement REACH et de la directive RoHS.
FLOATING BASKET M – The floating permanent filter with micro-fine stainless-steel mesh also ideal for cooking.
The finum® permanent filters offer ample room for tea leaves to unfold and to release their full flavor. They are made of stainless-steel micro-mesh in a heat-tolerant frame from BPA-free material. These filters are durable and dishwasher-safe. The hat of the filter helps to prevent heat loss and doubles as drip-off tray.
Highlights available in black
with stainless-steel mesh
for tea, coffee, spices and herbs
sealing lid for easy removal out of liquids
ideal for cooking with spices and herbs
easy to clean and dishwasher-safe
Packaging 1 filter / box
32 boxes / master carton
2560 boxes / pallet
4 languages (EN, DE, FR, ES)
-ausser Handel-/Alternative: HAP 161063 60 x 60 cm (30 Stck.) UK = 4 Btl.
ArtikelnrHAP 161320 Saugkörper aus Zellstoff-Flocken, leichtere Ausführung, grün
Artikel HAP 161320 ist außer Handel und kann nicht mehr bestellt werden. Sofern ein Ersatzartikel verfügbar ist, finden Sie Informationen dazu oben in der Artikelbezeichnung.
Complemento alimenticio a base de glucosamina, condroitina, MSM, ácido hialurónico, extractos de plantas y vitamina C con edulcorante vitamina C contribuye a la formación normal de colágeno para el funcionamiento normal de los vasos sanguíneos, huesos, cartílagos, encías, piel y dientes.
La vitamina C contribuye a la formación normal de colágeno para el funcionamiento normal de los cartílagos
Presentación:30 sobres de 5 g
Peso neto:150 g
Dosis diaria recomendada:1 sobre al día (5g)
Dosis por envase:30
Modo de empleo:Tomar 1 sobre (5 g) disuelto en 200 ml de agua una vez al día.
We offer Private Label manufacturing for this product.
Ageflor Capsule & Sachet includes probiotics (Lactobacilius Acidophilus, Lactobacilius Rhamnosus ) and prebiotics (inulin) in its formulation. Ageflor Capsule & Sachet help to prevent and treat content for diarrhea, constipation lactose intolerance, tourist diarrhea, antibiotic-induce diarrhea.
It is used for regeneration of bowel epithelium and correction of dybiosis.Treatment starts with 1 capsule just before a meal and dosage are adjusted according to response. You can start to use 1 capsule per day and increase it to 2 capsules and 3 times per day.
Multifunctional chemical peeling based on 15% mandelic acid. It exfoliates the epidermis, stimulating it to intensive regeneration. It evens out the color, supports collagen production, smoothes fine wrinkles and has an anti-aging effect firming the skin. Irreplaceable in the care of problematic skin. It regulates the secretion of sebum, prevents the formation of acne, effectively narrows enlarged pores. It does not cause photosensitization and can be used all year round. In summer, you should use a cream with a UV filter after its application.
Available Packages:Set of 3 positions ( Mandelic Acid 15%): Degreasing + acid peels + nutralization
Country of Origin:POLAND - AVA
Acetyl-CoA is an essential cofactor and carrier of acyl groups in enzymatic reactions. It is formed either through the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate, through ß-oxidation of fatty acids or through the oxidative degradation of certain amino acids. It is an intermediate in fatty acid and amino acid metabolism. It is the starter for the citric acid cycle. It is a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
CAS Nr:[102029-73-2]
Filters for industrial applications
Filters are used in fluidic systems to protect sensitive components from damage due to contamination and particles. For the safe operation of micro annular gear pumps and their precision-machined rotors, the use of a 10 µm meshed filter is recommended. With compact filter units made out of corrosion-resistant materials, with high filtration performance and different mesh sizes, HNP Mikrosysteme offers suitable filter solutions for all of its pump series.
The filter series F-MI4 is available in two different configurations. The »inlet filter«, without an external housing, is directly immersed in the liquid. The »inline filter« in the maintenance-friendly »T-design« is designed to be installed downstream in the feed line, i.e. directly before the pump and offers the advantage of changing the filter element without having to uninstall the filter from the feed line, and the option to open the bottom for releasing medium or emptying the filter....
Type:Inlet filter Inline filter (T-shape)
Liquid temperature range:-200 ... +275 °C Inline filter: -10 ... +140 °C (-40 ... +275 °C *)
Differential pressure range:- Inline filter: max. 20 bar
Operating pressure:- Inline filter: max. 40 bar
Seal materials:- Inline filter: FPM, FFPM, EPDM
Materials:stainless steel
Internal volume:- Inline filter: 200 ml
Measurements (ø x H):Ø 44 x 106 mm Inline filter: Ø 80 x 173 mm
Fluid connection:cylindrical internal thread G 1/2"
Mesh size:25 µm
Filter area:400 cm²
Remarks:* depending on seal material